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How to clean and maintain your tiles floors?

Tile floors are beautiful, and they’re durable. However, they do require regular cleaning and maintenance to keep them looking great, and properly cleaning is also essential to their longevity.

Clean your floor tiles

Tile floors are a great option for homeowners.  Tile floors are beautiful, and they’re durable. However, they do require regular tile cleaning and maintenance to keep your home looking great. Luckily, our many tile cleaning solutions can help you clean your floor tiles naturally.

Sweep tiles daily

Sweep or vacuum your tile floors daily. The more you can do to keep the dust down, the easier it will be to clean later. To sweep, use a broom with a long handle that lets you get underneath furniture and other objects. For vacuuming, use an upright vacuum cleaner with a long hose attachment so that you can reach all areas of your space without moving furniture around too much. You can also use dustpans if there are particular spots needing attention that are out of reach for either method above.

Clean up spills immediately

The most important thing to remember when cleaning up spills is to take care of them as soon as possible. If you let a spill sit on your floor tile for too long, it can be much more difficult to clean up and may even leave a stain that won't come off. The best way to deal with spills is by using a damp cloth or sponge, which should be able to absorb any liquid that has been spilled. In addition to this method, you can also use paper towels for quick cleanup jobs.

Mop floor with tile cleaner

Attach a mop to your long handle and pour in some tile cleaner. If you want your floors to be shiny, use between 1/2 and 2 tablespoons of liquid soap per gallon of water. If you don't mind not having a shiny floor, use less soap—just enough to wet the mop head. Swish the mop across each tile from left to right until it is full of bubbles, then wring out any excess water on the edge of the room so that it doesn't soak into other surfaces or create puddles on your floor.

Swish back over those same tiles again with clean water from the bucket so that all traces are removed before rinsing once more (if desired).

Using steam cleaners

Because steam cleaning is powerful and can create a lot of heat, it can cause the tiles to become discolored. This is especially true for dark colors like red or black. Not only will this be an eyesore, but it can also lead to mold and mildew growing on your tile floors.

Steam cleaners are also known for damaging grout lines between floor tiles, which means that over time you'll need to replace them entirely. While doing so might seem like an expensive option (and it probably is), it's better than having water damage throughout your house. If you're looking at replacing older or damaged flooring anyway then there's no harm in skipping this step altogether or simply painting over any visible cracks if they bother you enough that you haven't already replaced everything with brand new stuff anyway.)

Don’t use polish or wax

Polishing and waxing are popular floor cleaning options, but they can be very difficult to remove. Polish and wax also tend to build up over time, making your floors less shiny and slippery as well as attracting more dirt and dust. This can lead to a cycle of frequent polishing or waxing that will ultimately damage your floor’s finish.

Use a pH-neutral cleaner

For the health of your tile and grout, it's best to use a pH-neutral cleaner. These cleaners do not contain acids or alkalis that can damage tiles, grout, and even your hands. They're also less likely to cause damage to the environment when they're rinsed down your sink drain or flushed down your toilet.

Clean grout regularly

Grout is a porous material and can get dirty, but it's also easy to clean with a toothbrush. If you don't regularly clean grout, it may accumulate stains. You can use commercial cleaning products for this purpose or use baking soda and vinegar (1 cup baking soda per 1 part vinegar) as an all-natural option.

Know your residential tile warranties

Before you begin cleaning your floor tiles, know your residential tile warranties. If you have a warranty, follow the instructions to protect it. If not, make sure to clean your floor tiles regularly so that they stay in good condition for as long as possible.

Try natural cleaners first

Once you've determined that your tile is safe to clean, try one of these natural cleaners:

Vinegar and water: Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spritz it on the floor. Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes before wiping it away with a damp cloth. If this doesn't work well enough, sprinkle some baking soda over the area and let it sit for 30 minutes before scrubbing it off with a wet sponge.

Baking soda: Sprinkle some baking soda over the floor tile and allow it to sit until dry (about 30 minutes). Rub it into the tile with a damp sponge or cloth until all residue is gone from the floor surface, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Baking Soda Pro Tip - if you have hard water stains on your tiled surfaces that won't come off with regular cleaning products like vinegar or hydrogen peroxide (and even if they do), try making this homemade grout cleaner! You can add essential oils like lavender or tea tree oil to make this cleanser smell nice too!

Select the right tile cleaner for your floors

While it is tempting to go for the kitchen cleaner you have at home, choose a tile cleaner that is safe for your floor type. This means avoiding products with toxic chemicals such as ammonia, bleach, and alcohol. These types of products can take off the finish on your floors and damage the grout between tiles.

The best types of tile cleaners are non-toxic, non-flammable, non-corrosive, pH neutral, or slightly alkaline (7.0–10), based on natural ingredients such as citrus oils or plant extracts. They should also be free of harsh chemicals such as solvents which may cause an unpleasant odor if left behind after cleaning.

Keeping tiles and floors clean can be easy if you follow these tips

Sweep daily, Keep dirt and dust from accumulating on tiles by sweeping them daily, especially if you have pets in your home.

Clean up spills immediately, If you spill anything on the floor, try to clean it up as soon as possible so that any stains don't have a chance to set in and become permanent.

Mop with a tile cleaner once a week or so to remove dirt and grime that builds up over time.

steam cleaners can tile surfaces clean over time due to their high heat temperatures; instead, use plain water if you need extra help getting rid of stubborn stains or food residue stuck on your floor’s surface.

So to wrap up, cleaning tile floors can be a daunting task — but with the right products and some knowledge about tile care, you can keep your floors looking great for years to come. You should first sweep daily, then immediately clean up spills so they don’t stain. Once or twice a week or more depending on how much foot traffic you have in your home, clean the floor by mopping with a tile cleaner like Green Works® Natural Bathroom Cleaner. Do not use steam cleaners or waxes that may damage the tiles and make them look old before their time! Also, remember that there are many natural cleaners out there worth trying if you don’t mind doing some extra work yourself.

If the above techniques apply to your tile cleaning you get your new tiles. For many people, tiles and grout cleaning is tuff work and they don’t work properly which is why their tiles are damaged. That’s why we recommend you take a professional tile and grout cleaner twice a year. Professional tile and grout cleaners like Oz Cleaners properly clean your tile and grout, and you’ll get a sparkle to the new look at your home.

Clean your floor tiles