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How to keep clean your shower glass

Keeping the shower glass clean is one of the most common and important items in a bathroom. If you want to keep your shower glass shiny and clean, you can use some great homemade tips.

You get benefits that are much more than hard work.

Shower glass natural cleaning solution

Cleaning the glass surface of your shower is essential for keeping it shiny and looking good for a long time. The shower glass is one of the most important parts of the bathroom. The shower glass is indeed hard to clean. It determines whether you can enjoy a good bathing time or not. You have to be careful about cleaning the shower glass because it can damage your health if you use improper methods of cleaning. To keep it clean, you need to pay a little attention to it.

The shower glass is used to keep you clean from your daily rituals when you are bathing. If you are busy cleaning your showers with towels, these items will not do the job properly. You can make your homemade cleaners from simple ingredients that are easily available at home or in groceries store nearby.

Follow the tips provided in this article and learn how to keep clean your shower glass. You will not regret that because it is one of the easiest things you can do for your health.

Shower glass natural cleaning solution
Clean the Shower Glass Regularly

Clean the Shower Glass Regularly

The first step in keeping your shower glass clean is to make sure you clean it regularly. You should do this at least once or twice a week or every couple of weeks depending on how dirty your shower glass is.

Take care of the water

Water is one of the most important factors in keeping your shower glass clean. If you are not able to keep it clean, you will have to face problems like hard water spots and other dirt particles in your shower glass. The best way to keep your shower glass clean is by using mild soap and water, which will remove all dirt from your glass. This method can also help you in removing grease stains from your bathroom walls and flooring too as well as like a professional window cleaning service.

Use a soft cloth

A soft cloth is another effective way through which you can get rid of those dirt particles on your shower glass without any hassle. Just make sure that you don't use any harsh chemicals or abrasive items while cleaning your bathroom glass with a soft cloth as these may damage its surface and leave scratches on it. It would be best if you use an old toothbrush or a makeup brush as they are soft enough so that they won't scratch the surface of your shower glass at all.

If you have hard water, consider using an all-purpose cleaner for glass that has been pre-diluted in warm water (do this before you clean the shower glass). This will help soften the water so that it can be more easily cleaned off with a soft cloth.

Use a soft cloth


Ammonia is another effective great cleaner for shower glass that is commonly used to clean glass surfaces. Use half a cup of ammonia per gallon of warm water and mix well before applying it to the glass surface with a sponge or cloth. You may need to allow this mixture to sit overnight.

Soak a cotton ball in ammonia and wipe down your shower glass with it until all dirt is removed from the surface of the glass pane itself, then rinse thoroughly with warm water afterward.


If you have hard water or mineral deposits built up in your shower, you may need to add a little bit of vinegar to the solution before applying it to your shower glass so that it will rinse off easily without leaving any residue behind on your glass surface.

Bleach solution

If you have mildew or mould growing on your shower walls, use a diluted bleach solution (1 teaspoon in 2 gallons of water) to clean them up before scrubbing them down with an old toothbrush or soft-bristled brush (not electrical brushes). This will help kill the mildew and prevent it from returning again in the future.

Use an Eraser for Hard Water Stains

Use an Eraser for Hard Water Stains

The Magic Eraser is another great cleaning solution for shower glass that can be purchased at most stores across the country. An eraser can help remove hard water stains from your shower glass without damaging it or leaving behind streaks or marks. Just apply some rubbing alcohol on an eraser and rub it over the stained area until it disappears completely. The Magic Eraser works best when used with warm water as it loosens dirt and grime better than cold water alone will do. If there are still stains left behind afterward, use a toothbrush and some warm water to remove them as well.

Soft-bristle brush

Use a soft-bristle brush to pick up any dust or debris that is left behind, and then remove it with a damp cloth. When using a soft-bristle brush, always use one that is made for cleaning surfaces like this one (it will be gentle enough to prevent scratching). If you don't have one, you can also use a toothbrush or soft-bristled paintbrushes which will work just as well.

Microfiber cloth

To clean your shower glass effectively, you need to use a good quality microfiber cleaning cloth or sponge and clean it in one direction only. Do not use any other type of cleaning products such as dish soap or window cleaner because they will scratch the surface of the glass and make it more difficult to clean.

Soft-bristle brush
Baking Soda Paste

Baking Soda Paste

Baking soda is a natural deodorizer and cleanser, which you can use to remove mildew stains on shower glass. Mix 1 part baking soda and 2 parts water to create a paste that is easy to spread across the shower glass. The baking soda will help remove stains and hard water deposits on the glass but it also has scrubbing power that will help clean away dirt, grime, and soap scum.



You can also use a toothbrush and some warm water to gently scrub away any residue left behind after cleaning with a soft cloth. Make sure that you only use warm water because cold water could damage your shower glass.

Lemon Juice & Water solution

If you don't have either of these ingredients on hand, don't worry. Lemon juice is another great way to clean your shower glass without having to resort to harsh chemicals. Just mix equal parts lemon juice and hot water in a spray bottle until it forms a cloudy solution that's strong enough to work as an effective cleaning agent for shower mirrors, but not so strong that it will damage them if used too often.

Lemon Juice & Water solution


Mix 2 tablespoons of borax with 1 cup of water in a bowl. Stir until the borax dissolves completely in the water. Pour the solution onto a soft cloth and gently rub it onto the shower glass until it is evenly wetted and there are no streaks left behind from rubbing too hard or too fast.

For best results, let the solution sit on top of your shower glass for 20 minutes before wiping it away, and wipe down your shower glass using a soft cloth or sponge until all soap scum and dirt are gone from it, leaving only clean glass behind.

You should try the aforementioned tips to witness the difference. These are safe for your hands, won't damage your shower glass, and will safeguard the glass surface.

If once you are done shower door then you back to the Bathroom Cleaning page to learn how to clean the bathroom extractor fan, bathtub, and more. If you are not properly cleaning with shower glass tips then ask your local Oz cleaners for some help. OZ Cleaners cleans bathrooms as part of your standard house cleaning services and they'll be able to show you how to do it properly so that it doesn't leave any marks on the surface of the mirror or cause damage to other parts of the room. 
