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How to keep clean your office?

A neat and clean workplace can be a big boost to your employee's productivity.  Put an end to dust and clutter in your workplace by using some of our great tips on how to keep your office clean.

Believe it or not, office cleaning is a vital part of running a successful business and it concerns hygiene. Cleaning your office is not simple. You see a lot of housekeepers and landscapers working in offices and moving furniture every other day, but no one considers how dirty their office is. An office is a place where you spend most of your time. It's not just a place where you work but also a place where you meet with your colleagues and other people. But when you have dirty surroundings with a lot of clutter, it creates tension in your mind leading to stress and frustration. To keep your office neat, you must be disciplined for some time. Especially if there are a lot of people. And now it's time how to keep your office clean. That's why here are given several tips on how to keep your office free from harmful substances and bacteria and keep away from health risks.

keep clean your office
Company’s nameplate clean

Company’s nameplate clean

A good place to start is to keep your office clean by cleaning the company’s nameplate, which is usually located at the entrance of your office. It is important to keep the company’s nameplate clean so that when people visit your office, they will see a clean and neat environment.  Wipe down the company’s nameplate with a damp cloth or spray bottle. You can also use regular cleaning products to remove dust and dirt.

Clean the computer screen and keyboard

The first thing you should do is clean your computer screen and keyboard. This is so that you can see clearly what you’re doing, and it makes typing easier as well. If you have a computer, the first thing to do is clean the monitor and keyboard. You can use a microfiber cloth or a soft dust brush to do this. If you don't have any of those things, use a damp rag and a little bit of water on it to wipe down the screen.

You also want to wipe down all of the buttons on your keyboard, including any touchpads and trackballs.

Keep essential items organized

To keep your office clutter-free, it's important to keep essential items organized. Keeping your office organized can be a challenge, but it is important to do so. This helps you avoid losing important documents and folders that are stored in a messy office. If you have a lot of paper or documents that need to be kept together, try using a filing cabinet or other storage system instead of leaving them in random piles around the room. You can also use an accordion file for this purpose.

Keep essential items organized
Clean your phone

Clean your phone

You also need to clean your phone. You can use a microfiber cloth or a soft cloth with some dish soap on it, or even a damp paper towel if it’s really dirty. The easiest way to get rid of smudges and fingerprints is to use a small amount of rubbing alcohol on the surface of your phone, then let it sit for about five minutes before wiping off the excess moisture with another cloth or paper towel.

Keep the area clean and tidy

A clean workspace reflects on the person who is working there and makes him/her feel more confident, productive, and responsible. You can keep the area neat by using a small trash bin or recycling bin in your office so that you don't have to throw anything in waste paper baskets or wastepaper baskets. Moreover, it will make it easy for everyone else to use the bins as well.

Cleaning up your desk

Clean your desk regularly especially after you eat or drink because food can be in contact with your keyboard and mouse for hours if not days before getting thrown away by someone else (or even you) who has more important things to do than clean up after their co-worker’s lunch break or coffee break or their lunch break or their coffee break or whatever kind of break it is when they get off work, etc. Make sure that all papers are neatly stacked, organized, and ready for handling by others (if possible). If there are papers that need to be kept for future reference, put them aside in a file folder or binder then put them back when they are needed again.

Cleaning up your desk
Wipe down your bathroom sink, mirror, and toilet

Wipe down your bathroom sink, mirror, and toilet

You need to make sure that these areas are clean and germ-free. Clean all three parts of your bathroom sink: faucet, countertop, and floor tiles. Use soapy water or warm water to wash off soap scum from the faucet, and wipe down the shower curtain with wet wipes. Clean the toilet bowl with soap and water, wipe down the mirror with a soft cloth or paper towel, and clean floor tiles with a sponge and washcloth.

Vacuum all flooring in the office

Vacuuming is one of the most important things that you can do to keep your workplace clean and fresh. Vacuuming will help remove dirt particles from the floor and dust mites from your office furniture so that they do not spread throughout your entire building. It also helps prevent mildew from forming on carpets, walls, ceilings, and furniture inside your home or office building. A good vacuum cleaner will remove pet hair from carpets, too.

Vacuum all flooring in the office
Avoid clutter

Avoid clutter

Clutter attracts dust which leads to smudging and stains on fabrics (like carpets), which makes it difficult for others to work. Clutter is the number one enemy of a clean office. It's not just about having too much stuff, but also about keeping it organized. You don't want your desk covered in papers or a mess of pens and markers. Keep things neat by keeping your desk clear and tidy, and you'll find that you can get more done in less time.

Empty the trash

You should also empty your trash bin to make room for new items because this will help prevent clutter from accumulating around your desk area over time and make it easier for you to find anything that might have been misplaced by accident.

Take care of plants

If possible, try to keep at least one plant in the office which will help create an airy atmosphere. If you don’t have enough space for a plant, try using decorative ones like potted ferns or succulents instead.

Use natural light

Even though artificial light is better than no light at all, natural light can also help keep things looking nice overall. You can achieve this by installing skylights or installing skylight blinds in your windows so that they let in plenty of natural sunlight during the day but also provide some privacy.

Take care of plants
Don't leave food on the table or in the fridge

Don't leave food on the table or in the fridge

If there's food on your desk, it's likely to end up in your clothes when you sit down at lunchtime. Keep food out of sight, so it doesn't attract ants or other pests when placed on the table during the day. If you're going to eat lunch at your desk, try not to leave anything behind for later like a half-eaten sandwich or apple core because it will just cause more mess later on down the road. It attracts insects, rodents, and other pests that may cause health problems for your employees or customers.

Store food properly

Store food properly to avoid cross-contamination from one product to another by using plastic containers with tight lids and clean equipment between handling products from different manufacturers (e.g., using a different spoon for each type of food).

Wash your hands

Wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds with warm running water, soap, and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer after touching body fluids like blood or urine (for example, immediately after using the bathroom), before eating (hand washing is not recommended) or touching contaminated surfaces such as door handles, money clips or telephones (for example, immediately upon leaving).

Use air fresheners in different rooms

The first thing to do is to use air fresheners in different rooms. It is a very good idea to have an air freshener in every room of your office. It will help you keep your office clean, and it will also make the people who work at your office happy. The best type of air fresheners is those that are made from natural ingredients so that they can be used for a long period without causing any harm to the environment.

Wash your hands
Use natural cleaning products

Use natural cleaning products

You can also use natural cleaning products to clean your office at home or work. These products are usually cheaper than chemical cleaners, but they have a lot of benefits as well they do not contain any artificial colors or fragrances; however, these products will not harm your skin or clothes because they do not contain any harmful substances that could cause allergies or skin irritation. Moreover, these products are environmentally friendly and will not pollute our environment by using chemicals that may damage nature and contaminate groundwater sources.

Don't forget about the little things

You might think that it would be easier just to throw everything away after each cleaning session, but this can lead to more problems down the road. you should do is to keep all of the little things in your office clean and organized as well as hygienic. For example, if files are laying around on tables or counters, make sure that they are put away properly so that no one else will accidentally pick them up or spill something on them. Also, make sure that all trash cans have been emptied regularly so that no more garbage ends up on your desk or counter top which it can get dirty and smelly over time if not cleaned regularly enough.

Don't forget about the little things

Here you can read a few important steps that you can follow to keep your office clean around the clock and take care of those small problems before they become big ones. It's no secret that office workers spend a lot of time in their spaces so it's important to keep things tidy and organized so you can focus on your work without worrying. If you have any further ideas, please share them with us. We would love to hear from you.