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How to Clean Your Stainless Steel?

Cleaning your stainless steel can be a real challenge if you don't know how. There are some simple ways to ensure that your stainless steel is always sparkling bright, you will use these tips you get your stainless steel look new.

Clean your stainless steel naturally

Your stainless steel appliances are great for a kitchen or home. They look great when you put them in the open space of your kitchen. Stainless steel appliances are easy to keep clean, especially the refrigerator and dishwashing sink. Stainless steel sinks are one of the most used appliances in many homes. However, over time, stainless steel sinks start to lose their shine and look duller. But if you have an older refrigerator, sink, or stainless steel sink, you might be surprised at how much of a job it is to clean them regularly.

If your fridge, sink, or dishwasher has not been cleaned for a month or longer, there's a good chance that harmful bacteria will develop and begin to grow inside the appliance. This will cause bacteria to enter your food and potentially make you sick. Their lack of non-porous surfaces may make these appliances more difficult to clean compared with other types of kitchenware. Now wondering how to clean stainless steel appliances? In this article, we will provide you with a few tips and tricks for keeping your shiny new stainless steel appliances in tip-top shape.

White Vinegar

White vinegar is a great cleaner for stainless steel, as its non-toxic and won't damage the finish. It removes stains and odors, and it's cost-effective. Add a tablespoon of white vinegar to a spray bottle, fill it with water and shake vigorously. Spray on your stainless steel appliance and wipe dry with a microfiber cloth.

Dish Shop

Use dish soap to clean your stainless steel appliances. Use 2 tablespoons of dish soap and 1 quart of water in a bowl or sink full of hot water. Soak your sponge or cloth in soapy water, then scrub down your appliance with the wet sponge to remove any food particles that may be stuck on it! Rinse off the sponge when finished scrubbing with it for even better results!

Cooking oil

Cooking oil is to remove stains from stainless steel appliances. Rub the solution onto the stain and allow it to sit for five minutes before rinsing off with warm water. For stubborn stains, try adding hydrogen peroxide (3% concentration) or bleach (5% concentration). Let the solution sit for at least 20 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.

Use a soft brush

You can also use a soft brush if you have one, but be sure not to use anything abrasive or scratchy on these areas of your appliance.

Baby oil

Baby oil can be used as an effective way to remove tough food stains from stainless steel appliances like refrigerator doors or dishwasher door handles. Simply rub baby oil onto the dirty area and let sit for about five minutes before wiping off with a rub gently until the stain is gone, rinse off any excess oil first if needed before wiping dry! Rinse off any excess baby oil by hand using warm water only!

Use rubbing alcohol

If you want to remove fingerprints from stainless steel, use rubbing alcohol first to remove any visible marks on the surface before using an abrasive pad (like sandpaper). Rubbing alcohol will also help loosen stuck-on food particles from the surface of the appliance so that they can be wiped away easily when cleaned with an abrasive pad (like sandpaper). If you have stubborn stains on your stainless steel appliance use warm soapy water mixed with ammonia.

Soft-bristled toothbrush

Remove any stains from your stainless steel appliance by scrubbing lightly with a soft-bristled toothbrush or nylon brush, then rinse thoroughly in warm water and dry immediately with a soft cloth or paper towel (do not use harsh abrasive cleaners on stainless steel). You can also use stainless steel cleaner or baking soda on difficult-to-clean spots such as door handles, inside corners, inside oven racks, and more! Just make sure to test an area first to make sure that it doesn’t discolor your appliance too much!

Club Soda

Club soda is an excellent cleaner for stainless steel. It's also a great option for those with light stains on their appliances and sinks. This method is safe to use on all stainless steel surfaces, including the inside of your fridge. Fill a spray bottle with club soda, and give it a shake before using. This will help loosen any grime that might be on the surface of your appliances, without damaging the finish underneath. Let it sit for about an hour or so before wiping it with a clean, damp cloth.

Window Cleaner

This method is best used when there are little to no stains or smudges on your appliances. Window cleaner is designed to get rid of dirt and grime, while Comet is designed to remove grease and oils from your skin. You can use either on stainless steel appliances and sinks, though you'll probably want to use a little less of each than you would if you were cleaning dishes or cooking utensils. If you're concerned about chemicals in window cleaners, consider using an eco-friendly option like Seventh Generation Window Cleaner or Nature Clean Window Cleaner before wiping down your fridge or sink with Comet or Windex. Just fill a spray bottle with window cleaner and spray around any areas that need attention. Let it sit for about an hour or so before wiping it off with a clean, damp cloth.

Go With the Grain

Another way to clean your stainless steel refrigerator, sink, and appliances are by going with the grain of the metal itself when cleaning them. 

This method is best used when there are obvious stains or smudges on your stainless steel appliance or sink, as well as heavy stains that cannot be removed by other methods listed above (e.g., washing with soap and water). For example, if there's a lot of rust on your stainless steel fridge door, you could use steel wool to scrub away at it until the rust is gone! You will want to scrub these areas using a soft cloth and warm water until they are clean and free of debris/dirt particles; then rinse thoroughly with hot water before drying completely with another soft cloth or paper towel (do not use any chemicals during this process). Or if there's some splatter from something like tomato sauce that got on there during dinner prep time last night we'll just use some toothpaste! It'll buff away those splatters in no time.


Flour is a great way to clean stainless steel appliances. Flour is a natural abrasive that can be used to buff away dirt and grime. It's especially effective if you're trying to clean your stainless steel appliances in a hurry. Just mix flour with water and use a scrub brush or cloth to apply it onto the surface of your stainless steel appliance. Then let it sit for a few minutes so the flour can work its magic!

Commercial Cleaner

Commercial cleaners are an easy way to get rid of tough stains on your stainless steel appliance. They contain a chemical that reacts with the stain and breaks it down into smaller pieces that can be washed away with water. You'll want to use these cleaners sparingly they'll damage your appliances if you use too much at once.

Hire Professional

If you don't have the time or desire to clean your appliances manually, consider hiring a professional cleaner who can do it for you. If you have stubborn stains on your appliances, hiring a professional may be the best option for removing them completely from your stainless steel fridge or sink. Professionals will use special tools and chemicals that are designed specifically for this task, so they won't do any damage to your appliances or leave any residues behind when they're done!

Appliances made of stainless steel are sturdy and simple to maintain, although they do need to be cleaned frequently. Maintaining and caring for stainless steel properly is essential to keeping it "stainless."

As with most surfaces, proper cleaning and maintenance of your stainless steel countertops will increase their longevity and appearance. Be sure to follow all instructions carefully to ensure that your countertop stays looking its best. If you have any additional questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact a professional.

Clean your stainless steel naturally